Literacy Stations

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mem Fox Freebie

Koala Lou Mini Unit Freebie

This mini unit is part of a Mem Fox author study. Mem Fox has written some amazing books. I love the messages in her books and truly enjoy doing the author study on her. The author study if full of different activities that cover a range of reading comprehension skills, as well as, a little writing. I would highly recommend buying or checking out Koala Lou and sharing it with your class. My students really enjoyed the great stories! They loved reading about unusual Australian characters and setting. You can find the freebie at the link above. If you love Mem as much as I do, you should also check out the full author study! Right now you can find a stuffed kangaroo at Kohl's for $5.00! Mem reads several of her books aloud on her website. You can also see some videos on her site. If you have a subscription to bookflix, you can find Possum Magic by Mem Fox!


  1. This looks great! Thank you for the *freebie*!

    I am happy to be your newest follower and would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Thankyou for making my final placement a little bit easier :)
