Literacy Stations

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Word Work Station organization

During the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot, many of you downloaded my August to December word work station for free and many others have purchased it since then! Since it is almost time for school to start back, I thought I would show how I have mine put together.

I keep the whole year in a binder so that I can easily change out the pieces each week. Of course, the students have their stapled booklet that they keep. I will add pictures next week of where they store those and how I set up the station in the classroom.

Each week has a sheet protector. I put the directions page in the front and envelopes with the pieces in the back. I have two at a time at the station and they each will get a set.

Each piece has a one or two on the back so they do not get mixed up. There is a number on the envelopes that they go in and when they are our for students, there is a number on the little basket the pieces are in.

The pieces can make many different words. The students will use the pieces over and over to make as many real words as possible. The real words are recorded on the sheet.

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